
W.B. Yeats
Under the Influence

Gallery hours by appointment
Monday - Friday | 10 am – 6 pm
Please call 212-757-3318

Artist Talk
Tuesday, May 12 | 6:30 pm

Admission: FREE



W.B. Yeats
Under the Influence

Photographs by Alen MacWeeney

May 1 – June 30, 2015

The poet and playwright William Butler Yeats was born in County Dublin in 1865. He died in 1939, the year that Alen MacWeeney – originally from Dublin and now based in New York – was born.

To honor Yeats, MacWeeney returned to Ireland and under Yeats’ heady influence, photographed the kind of landscapes, animals, objects, places, and people that inhabit his poetry. Under the Influence is the result of this journey, and is on display in celebration of Yeats150 – the 150th anniversary of the birth of William Butler Yeats. Pure MacWeeney, resonantly Yeatsian, quintessentially Irish – the photographs speak of the feel for a place that was and is no longer, of the yearning of the émigré, of the hold of the master over the disciple, of the strange transmutation of word to image and image to symbol.

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General information info@irishartscenter.org
Office hours Monday-Friday 10 AM – 6 PM

Irish Arts Center programs, are made possible, in part, by the New York State Council on the Arts with support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.

Irish Arts Center programs, are made possible, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.

Irish Arts Center programs are supported, in part, by Culture Ireland, the agency for the promotion of Irish arts worldwide.

Irish Arts Center programs are supported, in part, by government partners including the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature; public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council; Culture Ireland, the agency for the promotion of Irish arts worldwide; the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Consulate of Ireland in New York; the Northern Ireland Bureau; British Council Northern Ireland; the Arts Council of Northern Ireland; The American Ireland Fund; Howard Gilman Foundation; Tourism Ireland; Bloomberg Philanthropies; and thousands of generous donors like you.

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