
The White Piece

Admission: $20 students, seniors and IAC members / $25 non-member

IAC Members please call 212-757-3318 x204 for details on booking the membership rate.


IAC | Dance

La MaMa
in association with
Irish Arts Center
The White Piece
by John Scott Dance
March 14 – 24
Thursday–Saturday | 7:30 pm
Sunday | 2:30 pm

at La MaMa
Ellen Stewart Theatre
66 East 4th Street, 2nd floor | (btw Bowery & 2nd Ave)
New York, NY 10003 

Choreographed by John Scott

Music/Soundscape by Ivan Birthistle
Lighting and Set Design by Eric Würtz
Produced by Irish Modern Dance Theatre

“This is one performance you need to see to believe…the liberation of the spirit through the freedom of the body…TRUE TRIUMPH” – The Dance Insider  

“Gems of movement and textThe Irish Times

THE WHITE PIECE, from Ireland's John Scott Dance, is a vital, fluent dance that admits no boundaries—part documentary, part poetry, 14 dancers, backgrounds ranging from Merce Cunningham Dance Company to a retired Royal Ballet ballerina to African Torture Survivors, show, with humor and athleticism, the presence of everything: what we do and dream, for today and tomorrow.

Irish contemporary choreographer John Scott returns to New York City with The White Piece. He is the artistic director of Irish Modern Dance Theatre, and pioneers new expression and expands the dance experience in Ireland, playing with every theatrical and dance convention. 

Dancers include: Cheryl Therrien (ex Merce Cunningham), Ashley Chen (Ex Merce Cunningham) Joanna Banks (ex Royal Ballet) Philip Connaughton, Rebecca Reilly, Immaculate Akello, Crinela Oiplea, Poudima Florence Welalo, Patience Nahme, James Hosty


This program is supported, in part, by Culture Ireland, the agency for the promotion of Irish arts worldwide; and The Arts Council of Ireland.


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Box office phone 866-811-4111
Administrative office phone 212-757-3318 fax 212-247-0930
553 West 51st Street, New York, NY 10019 | DIRECTIONS
General information info@irishartscenter.org
Office hours Monday-Friday 10 AM – 6 PM

Irish Arts Center programs, are made possible, in part, by the New York State Council on the Arts with support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.

Irish Arts Center programs, are made possible, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council.

Irish Arts Center programs are supported, in part, by Culture Ireland, the agency for the promotion of Irish arts worldwide.

Irish Arts Center programs are supported, in part, by government partners including the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature; public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council; Culture Ireland, the agency for the promotion of Irish arts worldwide; the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Consulate of Ireland in New York; the Northern Ireland Bureau; British Council Northern Ireland; the Arts Council of Northern Ireland; The American Ireland Fund; Howard Gilman Foundation; Tourism Ireland; Bloomberg Philanthropies; and thousands of generous donors like you.

© 2017 Irish Arts Center